Monday, January 20

Jesus Calling - March 1st, 2025

Jesus Calling: March 1

    When something in your life or thoughts makes you anxious, come to Me and talk about it. Bring Me your prayer and petition with thanksgiving, saying: "Thank You, Jesus, for this opportunity to trust You more." Though the lessons of trust that I send to you come wrapped in difficulties, the benefits far outweigh the cost.
    Well-developed trust will bring you many blessings, not the least of which is My Peace. I have promised to keep you in perfect Peace to the extent that you trust in Me. The world has it backwards, teaching that peace is the result of having enough money, possessions, insurance, and security systems. My Peace, however, is such an all-encompassing gift that it is independent of all circumstances. Though you lose everything else, if you gain My Peace you are rich indeed.


Philippians 4:6 (NLT)
6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Additional insight regarding Phillippians 4:6-7: Imagine never worrying about anything! It seems like an impossibility; we all have worries on the job, in our homes, at school. But Paul's advice is to turn our worries into prayers. Do you want to worry less? Then pray more! Whenever you start to worry, stop and pray.

Isaiah 26:3 (NLT)
3 You will keep in perfect peace
    all who trust in you,
    all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

Additional insight regarding Isaiah 26:3: We can never avoid strife in the world around us, but when we fix our thoughts on God, we can know the perfect peace even in turmoil. As we focus our mind on God and his Word, we become steady and stable. Supported by God's unchanging love and mighty power, we are not shaken by the surrounding chaos (see Philippians 4:7 - "Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."). Do you want peace? Keep your thoughts on God and your truth in him!


  1. This originally Jesus calling book can out in the 80's then 90's for everyday of the, "Is this different"?

  2. THANK YOU JESUS! We never have to worry with You ! HALLELUJAH AND PRAISE HIM FOREVER ♥️♥️♥️♥️
