Tuesday, August 6

Jesus Calling: October 9th, 2024

Jesus Calling: October 9th

You have been on a long, uphill journey, and your energy is almost spent. Though you have faltered at times, you have not let go of My hand. I am pleased with your desire to stay close to Me. There is one thing, however, that displeases Me: your tendency to complain. You may talk to Me as much as you like about the difficulty of the path we are following. I understand better than anyone else the stresses and strains that have afflicted you. You can ventilate safely to Me, because talking with Me tempers your thoughts and helps you see things from My perspective.
     Complaining to others is another matter altogether. It opens the door to deadly sins such as self-pity and rage. Whenever you are tempted to grumble, come to Me and talk it out. As you open up to Me, I will put My thoughts in your mind and My song in your heart.


Jeremiah 31:25 (NLT)
25 For I have given rest to the weary and joy to the sorrowing.”

Philippians 2:14-15 (NLT)
14 Do everything without complaining and arguing, 15 so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.

Additional insight regarding Philippians 2:14-16: Why are complaining and arguing such harmful acts? If all that people know about a church is that its members constantly argue, complain, and gossip, they get a false impression of Christ and the Good News. Belief in Christ should unite those who trust him. If your church is always complaining and arguing, it lacks the unifying power of Jesus Christ. Stop arguing with other Christians or complaining about people and conditions within the church; instead, let the world see Christ.

Additional insight regarding Philippians 2:14-16: Our lives should be characterized by moral purity, patience, and peacefulness so that we will "shine brightly" in a dark and depraved world. A transformed life is an effective witness to the power of God's word. Are you shining brightly, or are you clouded by complaining and arguing? Don't let dissensions snuff out your light. Shine out for God. Your role is to shine until Jesus returns and bathes the world in his radiant glory.


  1. Amen 😇🙏. We need all of Jesus help . Give it to him let go . Jesus knows the path to go .

  2. This is such a great reminder for me. Lord Jesus continue to remind me when I start to even think about complaining or talking negatively. Help me Lord Jesus to rest in the gratefulness of what I have even claiming what I desire instead of complaining about what I have not yet manifested. In Jesus name Amen.

  3. Good evening all! Just had a beautiful night of Bible study that we are to shine our light and then received a stressful email about why did I have a "couple months off between jobs"! I am starting a new job and feeling overwhelmed with the hoops to jump through and unexpected requirements for someone that is not a "techy person". I feel my stress around technology can have a grumbling attitude and poor me in the past as want to put all my cares in God's hands and knowing all things work together for good to those who love God, according to HIS purpose. I am so glad to read this today about going to God/Jesus with my worries as the powers of evil want me to feel defeated but I serve a big God! He's got this! Extending prayers to all of you and your needs this day. May we all rest in him this evening and sleep well.
